Unique Sound. Delivered with Quality and Professionalism.

Sandra has a warm, smooth, expressive voice that brings a casual, like-able and sincere tone for you script or to deliver compassion and intimacy. When needed, she loves adding character to your script bringing in elements of humor, quirk or attitude.
Sandra can bring your narration to life with natural story telling skills (practised extensively on her kids :). She can paint a picture for your documentaries and educational videos. Or provide a polished, credible yet relatable voice-over for your corporate promo, marketing or e-learning productions with her background in computer science and business.
Her Australian accent can make your script standout and she can also deliver other accents including British or US Mid-west.
“Sandra, has a warm, smooth voice that is very pretty. That Australian accent really stands out in the crowd! Love her expressive delivery style, and she really throws herself into a script, plus she takes direction brilliantly. SPOT ON!”
Sandra’s voice is fresh, energetic and appealing….and her Aussie accent makes her even more fun to listen to! She is a stand out choice for any project…
You can contact Sandra by phone or email or just fill in the form below with your details. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Are you looking for…
Unique female voice, Age 25-45, Natural Australian or British accent,
Quirky, edgy, sassy
Business casual, corporate
Girl-next-door, practical mom,
Warm, Intimate, Compassionate
Based in Seattle WA
Professional on-site recording studio
Prompt delivery via google drive, email or ftp
Supporting File formats – wav, mp3, wma
Able to attend local studions