Welcome to the Such A Voice FAQ!
If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to ask away! Reach out to info@suchavoice.com with any inquiries.
A voice-over is defined as words that are spoken by an actor, or actors, who are unseen by the viewer or listener. Here are a few examples of where you might hear voice-over: radio commercials, audiobooks, animated TV/movies, video games, e-learning programs, apps, websites, podcasts, GPS, and many more.
A “great voice” is subjective. What you need is a voice with range. A voice that can take direction well. A voice that you can create a niche with. A voice that can relay emotion. A voice that reflects a brand. The best part about voiceover is the large variety for voices! Whether you have a unique standout voice, an everyday “good” voice, or even a voice that puts people to sleep (perfect for sleep apps or character work!) you can find your niche in the industry.
While they are certainly helpful in practicing range, it’s not a necessary skill for voiceactors to impersonate characters or people.
If you’re considering getting into the voice-over industry, a good first step is to learn how the industry works, what skills you need to develop, what job opportunities exist, how to get the work, what equipment you might need, and how to create a top-notch demo so you can market yourself in the most professional manner possible.
For answers to all the questions listed above, and more, join us for our introductory webinar, “You’re On the Air… How to Really Make it in Voice-Overs,” and get a professional evaluation of your voice from one of our elite voice-over coaches!
Please click here to register for your webinar.
Such A Voice specializes in voice-over training and demo production. While we primarily coach aspiring talent to launch their voice-over careers, we’re also well-equipped to work with existing talent in any area they wish to further develop. Our coaches specialize in voice-over technique, recording and editing your work, marketing, auditioning, and more. We’re here to help you build your voice-over career.
If you’re new to the industry, we recommend that you start with our introductory webinar, You’re On the Air…How to Really Make it in Voice-Overs. If you’re looking for an in-person learning opportunity, we offer introductory classes in many U.S locations. Reach out to classes@suchavoice.com and see if we have some near you!
If you’re an existing talent looking to grow your voice-over business, click here to schedule a time to speak with our coach, Justine Reiss.
While it depends on whether you are focusing on voiceover fulltime or part-time/as a hobby, most voiceactors make between $30k-$200k annually (though many make more). While we’ve had some student “hit it big” we can provide every student with the skills and tools necessary to succeed, and most do! From coaching to branding and marketing, and home studio building, we can help.
To begin we recommend that you start with our introductory webinar, You’re On the Air…How to Really Make it in Voice-Overs.
Yes, we do. We have expertise in English (US/UK/CA), Spanish, and German speaking markets, and we are equipped to work with our clients remotely. In fact we have coaches on 4 continents! When it comes time to record your demos, we will vet a studio near you to ensure that we get the quality recordings we need in order to craft a cutting-edge, professional demo that accurately highlights your unique talent profile.
Such A Voice primarily works with our clients remotely via Skype. You’ll receive customized one-on-one coaching from the comfort of your own home.
If you’re registered for voice-over training with us, you can expect to meet with your coach once per week, but our scheduling system also allows total flexibility to work around your busy schedule.
Such A Voice’s VO Pro Membership is an ongoing monthly membership that includes two live group coaching sessions per month, one live Q&A with our Director of Operations, Heather Costa, access to our in-depth e-learning program, and membership to our VO Pro Facebook group full of SAV staff, alumni, and aspiring voice-over talent like you! The VO Pro Membership is designed to complement your personalized voice-over training program, and to provide ongoing education as you continue to build your independent voice-over business.
Click here for all the VO Pro Membership details.
Sure! Narration and commercial demos are the most standard for the industry. Check out some work from some of our previous students!
Narration Demos
Commercial Demos
No! In fact, we don’t recommend you try to get an agent until you’ve already proven that you’re able to consistently book voice-over work on your own. At that point, you’ll become a strong candidate for agency representation. You may even be approached personally as your client list expands, and your reputation solidifies as a pro voice talent.
While it’s true that prior experience can be helpful, it is by no means a prerequisite to pursuing voice-over. When you work with us, we’ll teach you voice acting from the ground up!
We’ll choose a coach for you to work with based on both a scheduling match and a personality/style fit. We have a wide array of talented and award winning voice-over coaches working with us. Our coaches are working pros in the industry, with specialties in many different areas. Visit our staff page to meet the team!
While some voice-over work is still recorded in professional recording studios, the majority of today’s voice-over work is done from the comfort of your own home, utilizing your computer and a home recording studio. Technology has really come a long way in the industry, and it’s now possible to record broadcast-quality work from home, without breaking the bank!
Absolutely! The equipment required is very affordable and easy to access, and treating your room to ensure that it will sound professional can be as simple as hanging drapes over the windows and/or walls. When you work with us, we’ll help you dial-in your studio to ensure it meets industry standards with both group and one-on-one Home Studio Advisory for you to take advantage of.
In order to become a working voice-over artist, it’s important to first get the proper training and then get your demos together so that clients will want to hire you. From there, you’ll want to ensure that you’re set up to record professional voice-over work from home, and that you know how to market yourself in order to book the work. Our program will guide you every step of the way to help set you up for success!