Today’s blog installment comes directly from one of the questions fielded from my Biweekly Live Training session this past...
Archive for category: Voice Over Work
Using Pay to Play VO Websites

If you are just starting out in voice acting, you may have heard the term Pay to Play...
There are many things to love about the voice over life. Collecting money from your clients is not one...
VO Audition Tip: It’s All About Choices

A casting director recently tweeted, “It’s your job to shake things up.” I take it she was talking...
Recently I had an engaging conversation with someone who had scheduled himself into my call calendar for a courtesy...
Recording Audiobooks: Getting to the heart of the story
One of the things I find amazing about the voice-over industry is how many different genres there are....
Want to Get More VO Work? Get in Good with Producers
As a voice actor, you want to book as many gigs as possible. Obviously. But you don’t want to...
How to Record While on the Road
The following is from the Such A Voice archive, written by Catherine Marshall. The lifestyle of a voice over artist...
Warm Up to the Cold Read

At the conclusion of a recent recording session I received one the best compliments you can get from the...
Using a Prospect Newsletter for VO Marketing
The following is from the Such A Voice archive, written by Catherine Marshall. A prospect newsletter is a great...