Now that I am of a “well-seasoned” age, I like to reflect back upon the “good old days”. The...
Archive for category: Voice Over Tips
Nailing VO Auditions Online or In-Person

Years ago, while meeting with a soon-to-be-new talent agent, I was told something that I had long come to...
Voice Over Technique: Breathing, Posture, and Alignment

Good posture is so important for our well-being, but it is essential in voice over. Many of us roll...
VO Audition Tip: It’s All About Choices

A casting director recently tweeted, “It’s your job to shake things up.” I take it she was talking...
Recording Audiobooks: Getting to the heart of the story
One of the things I find amazing about the voice-over industry is how many different genres there are....
Standing Out From the Crowd – Voice Over Tips

When you’ve grown to the point as a voice actor, where you are “ready” to audition, you will notice...
Focus on the Listener: Improving your VO Reads
One thing that is universal about voice over artists is that we want to do great work. We want...
Want to Get More VO Work? Get in Good with Producers
As a voice actor, you want to book as many gigs as possible. Obviously. But you don’t want to...
How to Record While on the Road
The following is from the Such A Voice archive, written by Catherine Marshall. The lifestyle of a voice over artist...
Inside the Voice Over Audition Room
When you begin your voice over journey, you are going to be discovering that there are so many ways...