76” x 80”, 100 % Egyptian cotton ivory sheets (1200 thread count, of course), fluffy, white goose down pillows,...
Archive for category: Voice Over Performance
VO Production Tips: Self-directing and self-editing

Over the last several years, the majority of the work I’ve done – both auditions and bookings –...
Find Your Voice: Learning to market yourself in VO
As a voice over coach with Such A Voice, I talk to new voice over professionals and aspiring voice...
Overcoming Allergies For VO
Allergy Season. In the past month or so I’ve had several students horribly troubled by allergies to the point...
VO Performance Tips: How Moving Your Body Is Good for Your Voice (and keeps other people confused)
Arms up, legs together….and one and two, and one and two, and – wait a minute! Stop with the...
VO Performance Tips: Get Serious About Having Fun

Whenever I start coaching a brand new student, the first question I ask is, “Why do you want to...
VO Performance Technique: Use it or Lose it

Whether a novice or an old pro, it is absolutely essential that you are constantly working to maintain and...
Ground Yourself: Controlling Your Breathing in VO
Nerves. We can all get them from time to time. And as a newcomer in the industry, that need...
How to Reduce Mouth Noise
You’re in front of the mic and ready to speak, sing, perform a dialog, when the recording sign...