Recently I had an engaging conversation with someone who had scheduled himself into my call calendar for a courtesy...
Archive for category: Voice Over Industry
Voice over talent agents are an integral part of many voice actors’ careers, and can be an entryway to...
Standing Out From the Crowd – Voice Over Tips

When you’ve grown to the point as a voice actor, where you are “ready” to audition, you will notice...
Getting Your Voice Over Career Off the Ground
As much as possible, I really like to keep in contact with students who have come through the
Want to Get More VO Work? Get in Good with Producers
As a voice actor, you want to book as many gigs as possible. Obviously. But you don’t want to...
Warm Up to the Cold Read

At the conclusion of a recent recording session I received one the best compliments you can get from the...
Using a Prospect Newsletter for VO Marketing
The following is from the Such A Voice archive, written by Catherine Marshall. A prospect newsletter is a great...
Making Sense of VO Social Media Marketing
The following is from the Such A Voice archive, written by Catherine Marshall. Continuing our discussion of voice over...
Here’s how it happened for me. I fell into the voice-over business in a rather nontraditional way. Sometime in...
Voice-Over Success: Quality vs. Marketing
The following is from the Such A Voice archive, written by Catherine Marshall. When you hear the name Britney Spears,...