If you’re a voice-over talent, then you know how important it is to keep your acting, improv, and voice-over...
Archive for category: Voice Over Industry
It can be difficult to start, well, anything really, but especially a new career in which you are investing...
Voice-over Communities on Social Media: Asking the Right Questions First
The voice acting industry has never been more accessible than it is today. Quality gear is cheaper than ever,...
Professional Associations. Every industry has ‘em, and voice-over is no different. So, let’s talk about associations, World-Voices.org (WoVO) in...
To thrive as a voice-over artist, you must sharpen more skills than the ones you use behind the mic....
Let’s talk about two of my favorite “A” words: AWESOME AGENT! How do you find one? How do you...
I often think back on my first voice-over mentor, a casting director I met at a seminar she hosted,...
While it’s important to have specific goals as a voice actor, it’s just as important to be ready for...
You’ve got to be good with a script to be a voice actor, but what may be less obvious...
Cue any random day in the first year of my voice-over business. I settled into my studio with a...