In the first blog post in this series, we discussed the importance, location, and sound isolation of a home...
Archive for category: Home Studio
When the Covid pandemic started, many people were scrambling to keep up with all the changes that hit the...
There is no doubt that a remote recording session can be intimidating, particularly if you’ve never done one before.....
Building Your Audio Chain Link by Link: Audio Interfaces, Mic Preamps, and More!
In the first installment of this two-part series, the focus was on selecting a microphone for your voice-over business....
Your home studio is quiet, your microphone sounds excellent going through your digital interface, and now your voice has...
Pieces of audio gear can be a bit like people: each has their own personality. It’s the same for...
You’ve gotten the training and now you’re ready to build that home studio so you can get your voice-over...
Starting Small: Home Studio Evolution and Growth

You’ve done it. You’ve finished your initial voice-over training. Your website is up and running, your demo is cut...