Before I entered the world of voice-overs, I pretty much thought someone hands you an ad and you speak...
Your voice-over training was incredibly helpful–especially the marketing tips. The high quality of the demo reel lends tremendous credibility...
This is what has happened since attending your voice-over program last January. In June, I did a tag line...
Things have really starting rolling for me this year. I’ve been auditioning all over the place and getting jobs...
(Written by our own Director of Operations when she went through the program back in 2004): Hi Dan, I’m...
Dan: Well, it is official. Today I joined the ranks of “voice over professional” by earning my first paycheck...
In one weeks time I made over ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS doing voice over! The total time I...
“I just heard my demo and it it is excellent. It is absolutely excellent. I thank you! I thank...
Hi Lisa, This was a wonderful evening for me. I hope you know how good your presentation is!!! I...
(From one of our SAV teachers who started out as a student with us): Dear friends at SAV, Just...