For those of you who have read my earlier articles, I’m sure you’ve realized that I am all about...
VO Opportunities: Do Well By Doing Good

As VO actors, we are always looking for new and creative ways to increase our clientele. Volunteering for voice-over...
Finding Your Diaphragm
The following is from the Such A Voice archive, written by Catherine Marshall. Voice-over training requires a lot...
Feature: Ra Palacio's Unique Path to VO

This is the story of my student, Ra Palacio, and his journey into the world of voice over. Ra...
4 Tips for Nailing a VO Audition
You may have a slick demo, an awesome website, and a few friends willing to write fake testimonials...
Get Your First Voice Over Gig This Week!
At, we work with a lot of people just entering the voice over business. As you can likely...
Keeping it Real: Commercial Voice-Over Tips
So you’ve probably heard it plenty from your coach: make it conversational! There are so many wonderful tips throughout...
Juggling Life and Voiceover

“The trick to juggling is determining which balls are made of rubber and which ones are made of glass.”...
To Rest and How Much To Rest, That Is the Question: VO Prep Tips
76” x 80”, 100 % Egyptian cotton ivory sheets (1200 thread count, of course), fluffy, white goose down pillows,...
VO Production Tips: Self-directing and self-editing

Over the last several years, the majority of the work I’ve done – both auditions and bookings –...