As a voice actor, you want to book as many gigs as possible. Obviously. But you don’t want to...
How to Record While on the Road
The following is from the Such A Voice archive, written by Catherine Marshall. The lifestyle of a voice over artist...
Warm Up to the Cold Read

At the conclusion of a recent recording session I received one the best compliments you can get from the...
Using a Prospect Newsletter for VO Marketing
The following is from the Such A Voice archive, written by Catherine Marshall. A prospect newsletter is a great...
Are You an Over-Reactor? – Expressing emotion with VO

When I was a kid, my mom would say to me, “Why do you always overreact to everything?” I...
Making Sense of VO Social Media Marketing
The following is from the Such A Voice archive, written by Catherine Marshall. Continuing our discussion of voice over...
Inside the Voice Over Audition Room
When you begin your voice over journey, you are going to be discovering that there are so many ways...
Voice-Over Marketing Tip: Market Your Skills, Not Your Title
The following is from the Such A Voice archive, written by Catherine Marshall. When you’re just getting started in the...
Here’s how it happened for me. I fell into the voice-over business in a rather nontraditional way. Sometime in...
Voice-Over Success: Quality vs. Marketing
The following is from the Such A Voice archive, written by Catherine Marshall. When you hear the name Britney Spears,...