There are many keys to success, but sometimes it’s in the little things. Such A Voice’s and producers know...
Here at Such A Voice, we’re proud to have some of the brightest stars in the voice-over universe working...
Talent Spotlight: Bill Georato – Author/Blogger/Voice Actor
BLOG: noun. A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that...
Creating a voice-over business is exciting. In the whirlwind of developing your vocal technique, recording your demo, setting up...
Setting up terms and conditions for your work as a voice actor is one of the most important things you...
While voice-over is certainly a niche in the acting world, it is still a diverse market. From radio advertisement...
One of the most common challenges I hear among beginning voice-over professionals is, “I just don’t have the time to...
When I went pro in VO through Such A Voice eight years ago, voice-over was a 7 billion dollar...
5 Tips for Nailing a Character Voice Audition

Do you have what directors are looking for in character voices? So you can do squeaky voices, crazy...
Josh Mead has been the voice of companies like Lowes and Old Spice, and we LOVE his studio in...