Recently I hosted a Bi-Weekly Teleconference on Creating a Strategic Plan for your Voice-Over Business. If you haven’t put...
Okay, so let me preface this by saying that like most of you, I dream big. Like, really, really...
Motivating yourself can be difficult, especially in the world of voice-over. It’s easy to become distracted working from the...
Remember when you were in high-school, and your English teacher would break you into groups to read and critique...
Recently, I was searching for some Indian sitar music on You Tube to meditate with, hoping it would get...
The VO Professional: Why Improv Voice-Over?

In my coaching practice there are two extremes in which I insist students become immersed. In my opinion these two...
Be Specific: A Quick Voice-Over Checklist

When Robin Williams passed away, I, like everyone else I’m sure, was heartbroken. I think by his sheer versatility...
Tips for a More Authentic VO Performance

Developing strong technique – the ability to connect to and vividly interpret scripts, then perform authentically and in the...
Today we want to showcase an extremely diverse individual: Drita Protopapa. Hailing from Boston, Drita is a child of...
What are the different types of voice-over, how do you know you’ll be good at them, and where do...