Beginning voice actors spend a lot of time learning technique, which is important, however, very little time is...
My oldest daughter has always been able to wear hats well. Over the years, when we would be out...
Let’s face it, in our “more is more “society, we often have a hard time saying no in our...
Where would a commercial or narration be without a voice actor? Not to sound arrogant, but it wouldn’t exist....
We hear so much about the importance of being optimistic when pursuing our dreams. Being positive, visualizing our dreams...
When it comes to the arts some people must spend hours and hours practicing, while others are naturals. For...
So…everybody keeps telling you what a great job you have, how lucky you are to be doing what you...
Let’s face it, we have one of the best jobs in the world. As a voice-over artist, we get...
First of all, securing voice-over agent representation is not the turn-key solution to success in voice-over; it’s a combination...
Voice-over agents can become an integral part of a voice actor’s career. When you reach a certain level, voice-over agents...