John Wolfe finished he Such A Voice Training Program and had his demos produced in January of 2018 –...
Ah, the joys of getting to perform in-studio! You get to get out of wearing pajamas all day, interact...
Starting Small: Home Studio Evolution and Growth

You’ve done it. You’ve finished your initial voice-over training. Your website is up and running, your demo is cut...
Warming up is an essential part of the voice actor’s process. No matter the genre or field of VO,...
Voice-over can be a very solitary career. Sometimes, we’re in the booth and collaborating with a director, engineer, or...
“I can do that later.” Just five little words that create major havoc in our lives, because when “later”...
Working Wednesday: Utilizing Local Resources for Voice-Over Accountability
In the wonderful world of voice-over, a lot of our opportunities exist within the digital sphere. Thanks to...
You’re the Boss: Being Accountable to Yourself

We’re hustlers. Most days anyway. Usually, as freelance artists, we’re extremely self-motivated and energized: ready to move mountains and...
Five Ways to Maximize Your Daily Schedule
There’s a common thread amongst most creative types – we love the fun, imaginative part of our job, but...
Working Wednesday: Workflows with Audio Editors
One of the biggest areas of accountability for a professional voice actor is meeting client deadlines. The longer and...