Actors have many tools. Voice actors have one:our voice. We don’t have the luxury of costuming, make-up, physical movement,...
Inside the Voice Actor’s Studio: Warm-Up Edition

As actors, we have three important tools at our disposal: voice, body and imagination. I’ve been an actor, voice...
It’s not uncommon for the average person to hear a great radio commercial and think to themselves, “I could...
Actors ask themselves a lot of questions when they’re preparing for a role:Who am I? Who am I talking...
In the first blog post in this series, we discussed the importance, location, and sound isolation of a home...
Having a high quality home studio has always been important as a voice actor. But these days, home studios...
When the Covid pandemic started, many people were scrambling to keep up with all the changes that hit the...
There is no doubt that a remote recording session can be intimidating, particularly if you’ve never done one before.....
Leah Brown started her voice-over journey with SAV several years ago, and since then has done e-learning, audiobook, and...
Building Your Audio Chain Link by Link: Audio Interfaces, Mic Preamps, and More!
In the first installment of this two-part series, the focus was on selecting a microphone for your voice-over business....