As VO actors, we are always looking for new and creative ways to increase our clientele. Volunteering for voice-over...
Professional Associations. Every industry has ‘em, and voice-over is no different. So, let’s talk about associations, (WoVO) in...
We all know how it feels to put out our best voice-over work and feel great about an audition…and...
“Voice-over is a multi-billion dollar industry.” That little factoid gets tossed around quite a bit, but have you ever...
To thrive as a voice-over artist, you must sharpen more skills than the ones you use behind the mic....
Let’s talk about two of my favorite “A” words: AWESOME AGENT! How do you find one? How do you...
I often think back on my first voice-over mentor, a casting director I met at a seminar she hosted,...
Rosemary Chase here, Technique Coach for Such A Voice, and I wanted to share with you a fun way...
The audition comes in for a teenage leprechaun who wants to fit in at a high school for magical...
Some of us are lone wolves. It’s true, but it’s rare. Most of us thrive and do our best...