Today we cover a tricky topic and one that’s often a lively debate among voice actors. Text analysis –...
How many times have I heard that sentence from students in my Intro to Voice-Over class? A lot. In...
This week’s Working Wednesday is a hot take on cold reads. While voice-over artists may be tempted to...
Many voice-over students have job experience in the business world, or they have worked in a non-profit setting like...
Erika Ward is a coach with SAV and has been doing voice-over professionally for nearly 10 years. She is...
In the voice-over industry, every artist needs a strategy to deal with the quality of the audio they produce....
Working Wednesday: Warm up Wherever You Can

This week’s Working Wednesday demystifies warmups by giving you a step-by-step regimen to warm up those vocal cords and...
Last week I addressed the question, “Do you need Source-Connect for live, remote sessions?” This week, we’ll look at...
As a new voice actor, it can be daunting to keep up with the rapid pace at which technology...
Spring is almost here! And the voice over artists who suffer from seasonal allergies know what that means –...