Career in Voice Overs: Is it for you?

3888320935_4786c53409_zRecently I had an engaging conversation with someone who had scheduled himself into my call calendar for a courtesy voice over evaluation. This is a complimentary service we offer here at for people who are exploring the profession of voice overs. If you are considering this profession for yourself, you can receive a complementary professional voice evaluation as well by clicking here.

This gentleman had scheduled a call with me after being encouraged to do so by some family and friends. He turned out to be a typical example of the talent we hear from. He was a middle aged family man, a working class professional with a deep resonating vocal sound. The minute he said hello, it was clear he had voice qualities ideal for voice over work. His voice was strong, carried well, and it had an instant likeable appeal.

I asked a question that I often ask people who contact me, “So, what sparked your interest in voice overs?”

He shared his story of receiving many compliments from strangers and constant encouragement from friends, and afterward, I shared my professional assessment. “Well, you definitely have the pipes for this,” I said. “Your voice is great. The real question is, do you have the business acumen to treat your talent like a business?”

“What do you mean?” he asked. I shared something with him that I share with every voice over talent that I speak to. I consider this to be one of the most profound disclosures about voice overs. This is what separates the success stories from the failures.

It isn’t the best voice that gets the voice over gig. The most committed talent typically does.

Voice over, like any other profession, is filled with starry-eyed talents who have lots of natural ability. An attractive voice is much like an attractive face. You either have it or you don’t, and whether or not you have it is a matter of opinion. The common denominator of the successful voice over talent, making six figures per year, and working from home on their own turf and their own terms is something much more than just an attractive voice.

Successful voice over talents have total, unequivocal, absolute, relentless, pig-headed self-discipline, and extraordinary dedication to cause their dreams to come true without excuse, delay, or postponement. They focus like a laser beam, and they get it done. Successful voice over pros have an uncanny passion for the profession. They love voice over work for the sheer joy of doing it, and nothing’s going to keep them from doing the job they love.

If there is one thing this profession has taught me in my four years of being a central part of it, it is that:

Passion + Resolve x Action = Success… and This Trumps Talent Hands Down

I shared this insight with that gentleman that day. We talked some more, and I provided him with some resources on different types of voice over work he might be interested in. Before ending the call, I also shared how he could get some professional demos made and how he could market himself to people who might hire him.

He may pursue this. He may not. His talent is there. This may be his calling, but only he knows if it is or isn’t. Only he will take action or choose not to. The same is likely true for you if you’re considering this profession as a possible career.

Voice overs isn’t for everybody, but I can certainly acknowledge that those who have embraced this profession have also been embraced by it. This industry is growing like a monster. It offers an opportunity for professional contribution in exchange for a healthy return on investment. It’s rewarding. It’s fun. Is it for you?

Lonny Hogan is a marketing and business development expert, working directly with Such A Voice to grow the brand.



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