My Demo…is Absolutely Excellent. I Thank You! I Thank You!
Working with Ben Marney Has Been a Very Rewarding Experience!
Lonny Hogan, , Testimonials, 0
I have greatly enjoyed my coaching sessions with Ben Marney. He has helped me to analyze my scripts and...
Today's session was such a "mountaintop" experience for me!
Lonny Hogan, , Testimonials, 0
Hi Lisa, You have done hundreds of these demo coaching and producing sessions, so they are all in a...
What I liked the most was that Michelle was always honest and up front
Lonny Hogan, , Testimonials, 0
Dan, Hello! I am a student of your Such a Voice program, and I just wanted to reach out...
My first commericial was nominated for a Creative Advertising Award
Lonny Hogan, , Testimonials, 0
Your voice-over training was incredibly helpful–especially the marketing tips. The high quality of the demo reel lends tremendous credibility...
Anne was an absolute delight to work with in the studio!
Lonny Hogan, , Testimonials, 0
Anne was an absolute delight to work with in the studio! Her direction and coaching were invaluable, and her...
I recently booked 6 jobs through…
Lonny Hogan, , Testimonials, 0
I recently booked 6 jobs through thanks in large part to my ongoing training with Lisa Foster. I...
You are a wonderful Coach, Producer & Instructor.
Lonny Hogan, , Testimonials, 0
Hi Heather, Just wanted to say thanks for everything yesterday, and to comment on the fact that I think...
Tom Force was so great to work with…
Lonny Hogan, , Testimonials, 0
Tom Force was so great to work with, he was very helpful and incredibly patient. He told me that...