Thanks again,
-Tony Broad
Thanks again,
-Tony Broad
I recently booked 6 jobs through thanks in large part to my ongoing training with Lisa Foster. I...
My Such A Voice training combined with the resources that you offer have helped me in all aspects of...
Hi Brendan! I just wanted to let you know that I printed out your Audacity manual, and you were...
Dear Such A Voice Folks, Thank you for helping me gather my resources to begin a new career. The...
Hi Heather, Just wanted to say thanks for everything yesterday, and to comment on the fact that I think...
Dan: Well, it is official. Today I joined the ranks of “voice over professional” by earning my first paycheck...
Hi Lisa, This was a wonderful evening for me. I hope you know how good your presentation is!!! I...
Hi Brendan, I want to thank you for everything. Your knowledge and professionalism has been a breath of fresh...