Nailing A Directed Remote Session

There is no doubt that a remote recording session can be intimidating, particularly if you’ve never done one before.. The pressure of having to perform under the direction from someone on the other end and really making it happen can scare the fur from a bear. To shed any fear you may have, it is a good idea to relax, trust your skills, know that the client is there to share their vision, and know they want help you capture their vision – not to scrutinize you. They picked you for the job, after all, so there is joy in that alone. The big thing is to have fun! A bit of small talk initially is good to loosen things up a bit to ease any tension you may have. 

Here are some other pointers to make sure your remote session goes as smoothly as possible:

1) Make sure that you have a stable internet connection if it is going to be done over Source Connect, ipDTL, Skype, Zoom or GoToMeeting. A poor connection can ruin a session. 

If you’re not doing a Source Connect or ipDTL session, and only need to be directed remotely, the telephone can work if your internet connection is not stable. It is very critical that you show up on time and be ready. Five to ten minutes before is even better even if they are to contact you, so you can make sure everything is set up and working correctly on your end. 

2) You will probably have had time to look at the script beforehand to get a grasp of it, – but don’t read or study the script too extensively. Find something in the script that you can relate to in order to make that connection and deliver upon it during the session.

3) Be sure about operating your recording environment as you may need to move between tracks or do some quick maneuvers to keep things in tact. Record (as in, write down) which takes the client wishes to keep.More times than not, you will send the files to the client and their engineers will edit them, but if not, keep it all in order to make your job easier. 

4) Keep an open mind as to what may be presented to you in capturing the vision of the client. Stay calm and ask questions to be certain you are clear in bringing their vision to life. Even if it is a question that you may think is insignificant. It could be the thing to get you over any hurdles you may face. 

Listen intently to the client and really immerse yourself into performing and breathing life into it. You will most likely  be asked to do multiple takes.. Don’t ask if they like what you are doing, they will let you know if they’re happy with your performance, or if they need you to go in another direction.

Just go for it! Give them as many takes as they may ask for. Even offer to do an additional take for good measure even if they say…all good! This demonstrates going the extra mile, work ethic, and good disposition. 

Upon wrapping up, thank them for sharing their vision and directing you towards it. Let them know that you are available for future work and that you appreciate them choosing you for the project. When you are done, you will be rewarded with a fresh level of confidence. 

Reward yourself by relaxing or…maybe onwards and upwards to the next project! 



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