Voice-over can be a very solitary career. Sometimes, we’re in the booth and collaborating with a director, engineer, or...
Archive for year: 2019
“I can do that later.” Just five little words that create major havoc in our lives, because when “later”...
Working Wednesday: Utilizing Local Resources for Voice-Over Accountability
In the wonderful world of voice-over, a lot of our opportunities exist within the digital sphere. Thanks to...
You’re the Boss: Being Accountable to Yourself

We’re hustlers. Most days anyway. Usually, as freelance artists, we’re extremely self-motivated and energized: ready to move mountains and...
Five Ways to Maximize Your Daily Schedule
There’s a common thread amongst most creative types – we love the fun, imaginative part of our job, but...
Working Wednesday: Workflows with Audio Editors
One of the biggest areas of accountability for a professional voice actor is meeting client deadlines. The longer and...
Perspective is a marvelous thing. Looking at oneself, a situation or an object from a variety of vantage points...
Your Network Net Worth: Uncovering the Treasure Trove of VO Jobs Around You

Voice-over takes on a unique duality in the arts as it has aspects of both a craft and a...
Robyn Candelaria finished her Such A Voice demo program in 2016. Since then, she has been working on all...
Summer is here and baseball season is in full swing. If you’re dreaming of a Hall of Fame career...