3 Reasons Why You Should Attend A Voice-Over Conference

voice-over conferenceBeing able to work from home is a big perk of being a voice actor, but as we addressed last month in our Working Wednesday segment, having your own workspace away from others can be isolating. One way to connect to the outside world and still be able to expand your voice-over knowledge is to attend a voice-over conference.

Simply put, a voice-over conference is designed to inform members of the voice-over community about industry standards and trends. Not all voice-over conferences are the same, meaning that you can typically expect to find different speakers and topics of discussion at each one. Topics may include: marketing strategies, script analysis, voice-over techniques, editing and recording software, demo production, and much more!


So, why should you attend a voice-over conference? We’re here to explain our top 3 reasons as to why you should make attending one, part of your business plan.

voice-over conference1. This is a chance for you to be in a room full of other people who love voice-overs just as much as you do!
Take advantage of the opportunity to be in-person with other voice talents and don’t be afraid to start up conversations!

Challenge yourself by… sitting next to people you don’t know. It may be a step outside of your comfort zone, but it’s a step in the right direction for extending your voice-over network!


voice-over conference2. You get to gain a new perspective on a familiar subject. How many times have you heard that you need to know how to market yourself as a voice-over artist in order to get the work? Do you use LinkedIn? Are you on Twitter? Everyone has their own story and insight into the industry. Who knows, you may find yourself walking away with knowledge you never knew existed about a familiar subject.

Challenge yourself by… incorporating at least three voice-over practices that you’ve learned at a voice-over conference into your own practice.

Create a LinkedIn account to market my voice-over talents.
– Buy recommended home studio soundproofing materials and soundproof my home studio.
– Begin taking an improv class to improve my acting skills.


voice-over conference3. You get to travel. Even if it’s related to work, it’s healthy for you to plan some time in your schedule to travel. How cool is it that most
voice-over conferences are located around major cities? They could be in cities that are within walking distance or cities that you may have dreamt about visiting.

Challenge yourself by… making your dreams a reality and visiting a city you’ve never been to! Go to a voice-over conference that’s not in your local area and expose yourself to a new culture.

Interested in what voice-over conferences are coming up? Luckily, there’s plenty going on! 

Check out some major voice-over conferences happening in the next couple of months:

Above and BeVOND 2018 – September 22nd & 23rd in Cheshunt, England

Mid Atlantic Voice-Over – November 9, 10 & 11, 2018 in Herndon, Virginia

That’s Voice-Over Career Expo – November 17th in Burbank, California

VO Atlanta – March 28-31 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia

Voxy Summit – May 3-5, 2019 in Charlotte, North Carolina

One Voice Conference in the UK – May 9-12 2019 in London, England



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