Helpful Vocal Care Tips

meditation-338446_1920Taking care of your health can mean different things to different people, as can taking care of your voice. But the two are also integrally related.

Now, I come at this from the point of view of someone who has struggled with various health issues that have spilled over into my voice-over life. And so I have had to find some natural and innovative strategies to help me get through them. I do believe that every body is different, so please keep that in mind as we go.


Exercise: A healthy, energized body will support a healthy, energized delivery.

My favorite thing to do to stay in shape is yoga. It supports a strong, healthy breath capacity, but it’s also extremely effective at both relaxing and focusing the mind. Here we have three fundamentals of a good voice-over foundation being dealt with- relaxation, concentration, and breath support.

Really anything that you enjoy doing to stay in shape will help support a stronger, more dynamic, and happier read!


Respiratory function: When there are problems with the respiratory system, this can interfere with your breath support, as well as your vocal tone.

Allergies, asthma, or even a temporary cold can be entirely distracting and create extra unwanted noises such as wheezing and sniffling. It’s important of course to have good support from a doctor you can trust in these regards, but they often are not trained to teach you how lifestyle choices can bolster your immune system in ways that can border on miraculous. Quite frequently a body needs more than a pill to truly find its happy place.

Acupuncture, an anti-inflammatory diet, homeopathy and other forms of alternative medicine can help put you on the right track and give you more control over your well being. It’s also good to know how to troubleshoot when you’re down.

  • Neti pot – Sinus drainage can be an essential part of handling allergies, and also can greatly reduce downtime if you get sick. Health food stores frequently have a ceramic version, called the Neti pot, and drug stores frequently carry plastic bottles specifically designed for saline nasal drainage. This can be essential if you’re having sinus issues. Sinus clearing can also have a positive effect on your breathing.
  • Supplements – Zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, ginger, echinacea, and goldenseal are all powerful vitamins and herbs that can be helpful for the immune system. Tea tree oil and eucalyptus are essential oils that can help fight viruses and bacteria and help open the airways. It’s very important to do research about how to use them properly, and please remember that direct skin contact can do damage. Steaming with them can be extremely helpful.
  • Anti-oxidants, alkaline diet, and clean eating can also help immensely. Vegetables can be a powerful source of ant-oxidants. Junk food and hard to pronounce food additives can gunk up the system in ways that are sometimes devastating to your health. If you’re experiencing issues, start paying close attention to what you’re putting in your body, and find ways to make those snacks healthy ones!


GERD: Sometimes people get an overly acidic nature in their digestive system that can affect the vocal cords. Frequently they are prescribed antacids that lead to dependency and other side effects. However, this can frequently be handled through diet. Once again, look into an alkaline diet. However, certain foods may even work as a bit of a quick fix. Watermelon, for instance is instantly cooling, and has totally cleared up issues for me in the past. Aloe Vera juice can also help heal any damage to the stomach lining.

Also, watch your caffeine intake, and especially coffee. As difficult as it may be to admit, this can be a huge culprit.


Frog in throat: Along these same lines, sometimes a person can just get ‘flemmy’. While sometimes these can be isolated incidents, it’s important to understand how your diet can contribute. Dairy, for instance can play a huge part. Coffee also can create more raspiness. Everybody is different in terms of what they can tolerate, I believe. But if you’re having issues, see how adjustments in your diet can help, and also pay attention to how your body responds after eating certain foods.


Pops and clicks: Staying hydrated is important. Water is most effective, but there are also some additions that are said to help keep the mouth hydrated and to help avoid a ‘dry mouth’ sound. Lemon juice, throat coat tea, and apple juice can also be added. Also, something I love to have on hand is something called ‘Singer’s spray’ which helps open me up to a smoother, healthier sound.


Vocal Exercises: There are some wonderful vocal exercises in Workbook 3 in the members area, but I wanted to highlight some of my favorites.


Hmmmmmmmm…. First of all, it has been said that this can be used as a safer way of clearing your throat. Vocalizing in a smooth way through it as opposed to an abrupt way of coughing it away. But primarily getting a nice hum going can be great for developing a nice tone and getting a great sense of vocal placement. It’s important that you should feel a hum in your facial mask.


Sssssssssss…. Playing with the ssss sound. This is also a favorite of mine. Taking a deep breath in, holding, then letting out a very long sustained s sound can be great for expanding your breath capacity and creating more breath control.


So, now you have an arsenal of approaches at your disposal. It’s important to have the guidance of a healthcare practitioner when serious issues come up, but don’t be afraid to try some healthy eating and explore holistic approaches as well. You might be surprised by how effective it can be for you, while boosting your overall well-being.

Good luck!!

Aria McKenna is an award-winning actress who has worked in films, TV, and the stage. She’s also a sought-after voice talent who has worked for major brands like Disney, Chevy, Fiat, Chanel, Yokohama, and more. You can find her work at




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