Making Sense of VO Social Media Marketing

The following is from the Such A Voice archive, written by Catherine Marshall.

social-media-936543_1280Continuing our discussion of voice over technique quality vs. brand marketing, it’s important to consider your social media strategy. Not that long ago there was only Facebook and MySpace, but today there are literally hundreds of social media sites to choose from. YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are some of the most popular, but don’t forget about LinkedIn, Ning, Yelp! or Yammer. Especially if you’re just joining us in the social media scene, it can be overwhelming to figure out what you need now, what you can pass on, and what to plan for later.

As a professional voice over artist, you need to strategize your social media front to get as much exposure to potential clients as possible. That means you should definitely be set up with your own webpage – either through Such A Voice (if you were a student of ours), on another site like VoiceOver Universe, and/or create your own website. There are plenty of resources that can help you set up your own webpage for free (or for little cost), like, or The point is to get your picture, bio, and demo up and running so that you have a link to refer potential clients to.

Branding. Make sure your business cards match your website design and that those match your logo, etc. Have a professional design your logo after you have created your unique brand, which should represent the special YOU that sets you apart from the crowd. You can set your budget for a logo design and have graphic design artist bid for it at sites such as

As a new voice-over artist, get the necessities up first and worry about the intricacies of other social media sites later. Twitter is a great way to follow people who write interesting posts about voice over work, job auditions, or social media articles. Feel free to ask people questions, and don’t feel pressure to have a profile on every social media site.

Remember: the sites should work for you, not the other way around!



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