You made that class so enjoyable.

This is what has happened since attending your voice-over program last January.

  • In June, I did a tag line for a candy shop that was aired on the cable station that serves the Plymouth/ Cape Cod area.
  • Then I was hired by a producer on the Cape to be the voice for the J. Baker Shoe promo for the sales staff of J. Baker Shoe Co. There were PAGES of script but somehow I did it, a real test by fire, and was asked to do the next promo for the same company.
  • During this time, I was a weekly reader at the TIC, Talking Information Center in Marshfield, where I read newspapers and recorded two books –a very rewarding experience–although a volunteer one.
  • Three jobs got away because of scheduling conflicts – after all, I do have a “real” job, but these things will happen.
  • Then, the local Continental Cable Station, Ch. 13 in the New Bedford/Fall River area, hired me to do three tag lines and two 3D second commercials.
  • And NOW I’m going to start taping every week in January for the new producers of the DeWolf Real Estate show which airs Sunday morning on Ch. 5 in the Boston area and on the CPB affiliate in Hartford, Ct. The first show with the new voices is supposed to air Jan. 12.

    I know this is long, but I wanted to thank you. You made my voiceover training so enjoyable. I don’t know where this is all going but that’s part of the fun. Again, thank you so much –I’m having a great time!

    –Mary Collins




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