My Voice-Over Career is going really well!

(Written by our own Director of Operations when she went through the program back in 2004):

Hi Dan,

I’m writing to let you know that my voice-over career is going really well! I started out with a couple of local radio commercials in Catskill, NY and then I landed a regional radio commercial for the New York State Podiatric Medical Association, 400 radio stations all over New York State. This one is being done in my home studio and will most likely air next month. In addition to doing the voice-over work for that job, I’m doing the production and marketing end of it as well.

I’ve also done an in-house recording for a local company and just recently I was contracted with ETS (Educational Testing Service) to do monthly voice-over narrations for their TOEFL exams. I’ve also made numerous contacts to other potential clients, some who have added me to their talent roster, some have requested hard copies of my demo and others said they will be contacting me in the future for voice-over work. I have also had many compliments on my voice-over demos.

I want to thank you for everything Such a Voice has given to me – the training and all the advice that has followed. I hope this email finds you well. Speak with you soon.

–Heather Costa



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