My Demo…is Absolutely Excellent. I Thank You! I Thank You!
I hope you know how good your presentation is!!!
Lonny Hogan, , Testimonials, 0
Hi Lisa, This was a wonderful evening for me. I hope you know how good your presentation is!!! I...
Such A Voice gives you the tools and resources that you need.
Lonny Hogan, , Testimonials, 0
The truth is that no matter how nice your voice stands out, there is a lot more to the...
My first commericial was nominated for a Creative Advertising Award
Lonny Hogan, , Testimonials, 0
Your voice-over training was incredibly helpful–especially the marketing tips. The high quality of the demo reel lends tremendous credibility...
Amazed by your keen ear, your interpretive mind & quick editing!
Lonny Hogan, , Testimonials, 0
Dear Heather, I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed and appreciated your coaching and the demo...
I am very thankful for all of the guidance from Such A Voice…
Lonny Hogan, , Testimonials, 0
I recently booked a job voicing two characters in a video game! I am very thankful for all of...
Today I joined the ranks of "Voice-Over Professional"
Lonny Hogan, , Testimonials, 0
Dan: Well, it is official. Today I joined the ranks of “voice over professional” by earning my first paycheck...
I cannot recommend your course more highly!
Lonny Hogan, , Testimonials, 0
As a direct result of your instruction and guidance, I secured work on a 30-second television spot during the...
Never Has Learning Been So Much Fun!
Lonny Hogan, , Testimonials, 0
I just wanted to say that Nick has been wonderful to work with! He has been insightful, encouraging and...