I can't say enough good things about Michelle and her coaching.

I can’t say enough good things about Michelle and her coaching.

Michelle is always focused and very helpful with me during our sessions. When we first started working together she would provide the scripts, but toward the end I would send audition scripts to her and she would help me fine tune them with technique, attitude, projection, variation and even technical pointers.

Beyond all those really great features that she brings to coaching, Michelle has been a role model and mentor for me. She started in the trenches, just like me, and has worked her butt off to make a rewarding career with her voice. I hope to be able to do the same. Michelle really motivates, encourages and completely supports my efforts–and that means a lot of me!

If I had to rate Michelle, like the rating system on Voices.com, I would definitely score her coaching performance as a FIVE!!!

–Susie Schwarz



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