Thanks again,
-Tony Broad
Thanks again,
-Tony Broad
Anne is just a great coach! She is very personable, has a great sense of humor and each of...
Hi Lisa, This was a wonderful evening for me. I hope you know how good your presentation is!!! I...
Hi Brendan! I just wanted to let you know that I printed out your Audacity manual, and you were...
Nick was so helpful and encouraging. I felt he was genuine with his comments and critique. I have applied...
Your voice-over training was incredibly helpful–especially the marketing tips. The high quality of the demo reel lends tremendous credibility...
The coaches, mentors & producers at Such A Voice are extremely knowledgeable about the voice over industry when it...
The truth is that no matter how nice your voice stands out, there is a lot more to the...
My VO business is starting to take off, and I am beginning to get in my first checks from...