Your method works…all I did was follow your marketing instruction. This new career has exceeded my wildest expectations. I...
Archive for date: October 1st, 2014
“Since taking your course, I’ve done national television and radio spots for a major video company and industrials for...
As a direct result of your instruction and guidance, I secured work on a 30-second television spot during the...
What a rush- watching TV & they go to a commercial & there's my voice!
Thanks to my training with Such A Voice I have recently completed two videos: one for a national speaker...
Before I entered the world of voice-overs, I pretty much thought someone hands you an ad and you speak...
Your voice-over training was incredibly helpful–especially the marketing tips. The high quality of the demo reel lends tremendous credibility...
This is what has happened since attending your voice-over program last January. In June, I did a tag line...
Things have really starting rolling for me this year. I’ve been auditioning all over the place and getting jobs...
(Written by our own Director of Operations when she went through the program back in 2004): Hi Dan, I’m...
Dan: Well, it is official. Today I joined the ranks of “voice over professional” by earning my first paycheck...