Planting seeds everywhere is vital as a small business owner, especially when you are starting out. No one knows who you are, so you need to spread yourself out as far as you can to get the attention of others. This is especially true if you have decided to...
Tag Archive for: voiceover
Imperfect action exceeds inaction
Imperfect action exceeds inaction. Every single time. So many of us aspire to do something that reaches beyond our current knowledge and/or capabilities. Only a very small portion of us follows these ambitions. Why? It’s because we are afraid of making mistakes. Since childhood, we have been indoctrinated by...
Talk is free, action requires currency
Talk is cheap; actually, talk is free. Talking requires very little effort on our part. We talk about all kinds of things. All of us shouldn’t talk sometimes, but that’s another story for another day. Action, on the other hand, requires currency. Another way to look at it is...
Lie to yourself…
Lie to yourself. Tell yourself you’re good enough, even if you don’t really believe it. There are reasons that the phrases “fake it ‘til you make it,” and “failing upward” exist. It’s because persistence in the face of adversity and failure will eventually pay off. The truth is that...
Ask for help. It’s ok…really.
Ask for help. It’s one of the best things you can do for yourself. A lot of us are filled with the idea that asking for help is a sign of weakness. I would actually argue that asking for help is a sign of strength. Recognizing you need help...
Pressure is a heavy force
Pressure is powerful. Its influence is undeniable. Regardless of the source, internal or external, most of us typically react in one of two ways. Depending on the context and the situation, pressure either motivates us to rise to the occasion, or causes us to fall short of our best....
Failure is often a good thing!
Failure is generally thought of as a negative outcome. Certainly, there are scenarios when it is. However, in the course of everyday life, I’m here to tell you that failure is not a bad thing. Before we go on, let’s think about what failure actually is. Within any given...
You’ve been building towards this moment…
Everything you’ve done in your life has been building towards this moment. As a voice over artist, a lot of my key life moments are easy to see. I’ve never feared performing in front of people. In elementary school, I was a beet in a school play. At the...
Small steps, small victories
Taking small steps to improve everyday will result in small victories. Over time, these small victories add up and get you to your goals. I have only been working on my voiceover business for about two and a half months, but the current COVID-19 shutdown has given me A...
Practice makes progress…not perfect
Practice makes perfect! We’ve heard this our entire lives, but how would you feel knowing it’s not true? Here’s the thing, practice makes progress, not perfect. The pursuit of perfection is endless because: Perfection doesn’t exist. Well…perfection doesn’t exist. I play a sport called power soccer. It’s soccer for...