Talk is cheap; actually, talk is free.
Talking requires very little effort on our part. We talk about all kinds of things. All of us shouldn’t talk sometimes, but that’s another story for another day.
Action, on the other hand, requires currency.
Another way to look at it is that action requires, what a mentor of mine likes to refer to as, “sweat equity.” This means that you need to spend your resources and put in the work to get things done.
For most of us, things in our lives aren’t just handed to us. We give something of ourselves to receive something in return. We invest time, energy, and other aspects of ourselves in order to gain the many things that we have in life.
Lots of people talk, which can be great, because people have a variety of fantastic thoughts and ideas.
However, fewer of us put our words into action.
This is a shame, because a lot of these wonderful thoughts and ideas end up going nowhere. This happens for many reasons.
Perhaps you fear failure.
Maybe you are overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin.
Whatever your reason, if you can find a way to take one small step into action, you have already accomplished a major achievement.
Then you take another small step into action.
Repeat this process. Keep the momentum building!
If taking action was easy, more people would do it. You’re here because you’re taking action.
That’s what distinguishes you.
Although talk is free and we all like free stuff, those of us who are able and willing to spend a little currency to put those words into action will eventually receive a return on investment.