Failure is often a good thing!

Failure can be good!

Failure is generally thought of as a negative outcome.  Certainly, there are scenarios when it is.  However, in the course of everyday life, I’m here to tell you that failure is not a bad thing.

Before we go on, let’s think about what failure actually is.

Within any given situation, we typically set expectations. Failure happens when we fall short of those expectations. Not realizing these expectations is usually followed with feelings of disappointment and frustration. These emotions are what give failure a bad reputation.

If we can shift our perspective on these unmet expectations, we can more easily understand that failure can actually be a good thing. Stay with me on this…

Think about any situation where you failed to meet your expectations. Sit back and reflect on the journey up to that point, I bet you will discover that you learned something along the way.

Perhaps you gained some new insights…maybe you learned a new skill…or maybe the situation ended up with a totally unexpected outcome.

Regardless of how it ended, I’m willing to bet that you can likely find some positive aspect of not meeting your goal.

Now, here’s the key: the important part of failure is how you react to it and proceed from that point forward. Do you give up, or do you use the opportunity to find inspiration and motivation to keep going?

If you’re pursuing something that is meaningful to you, I encourage you to do the latter.

Get out there and do something.


Afterwards, gather yourself and think about how you can approach things differently, or better.

Then fail again.

Keep failing.

If your pursuit really is meaningful to you, don’t stop.  You’ll breakthrough eventually.  When you do, you could end up somewhere far beyond even your own expectations.

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