Small steps, small victories

Small steps lead to small victories

Taking small steps to improve everyday will result in small victories. Over time, these small victories add up and get you to your goals.

I have only been working on my voiceover business for about two and a half months, but the current COVID-19 shutdown has given me A LOT of time to focus on the business.

Part of my work has been to create a database of all the audio and video production houses, and ad agencies in town.

Then, I call to see if they’re accepting new demos from voiceover talent. Most of them say yes and I send them links to my commercial and narration demos.

Then nothing.

So, after a short time of no response, I follow up.

Some follow-ups end with a “thank you…we’ll keep your contact on file.”

Others are met with silence. So, I wait a few weeks and follow up again.

Still nothing.

The lack of responses can make you feel like your efforts aren’t yielding results. This is the time to be persistent and resilient. Don’t lose faith. Also, don’t be a pest but be consistent in making contact.

It’ll pay off…I promise.

I recently heard back from a local ad agency and video production house. They heard from me multiple times, but never responded. However, persistence finally paid off and both now have my demos.

In addition, the owner of the production house was so impressed with the courtesy and professionalism in my last message, that we now have a friendly professional relationship. Relationships like this inevitably lead to potential gigs in the future.

So, whether you’re starting a voiceover business, working to become a better cook, or learning how to ride a bike, take small steps every day to get better.

It may not seem like you’re getting anywhere at first, but with enough momentum, even small ripples eventually build into giant tidal waves.

© 2025 Tony Jackson VO |

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