Paralysis by Analysis is real

Paralysis by analysis is real

Analysis by paralysis.

It is a very real thing.

Many of us have been conditioned to believe that if we haven’t dotted all of our “I”s and crossed all of our “T”s, we’re doomed to fail. Although having a plan is valuable, it doesn’t determine success or failure.

Think about how many brilliant people with incredible ideas, or talents, who had solid plans and failed. There would be too many to count.

Now, think about all the brilliant people with incredible ideas, or talents, who had solid plans and never tried…

The first group let go of their fear and set forth on the path to their goals, although they didn’t reach them. Yet, they dusted off and kept it moving.

The second group waited until everything was perfect before starting on…oh…wait.

Never mind.

One of the people in our most recent voiceover workout group inspired this post. She talked about her voiceover progress and uttered the phrase that started this post.

I stopped her immediately and shared my experience with paralysis by analysis:

My first business launched in 2017. I did a lot of researching about what it takes to start a business, and even took an excellent online course to learn the essentials. However, when it was time to start, I was scared. What if it fails?

After that, I set my pride back in the corner and got out of my own way. If waited for the “right time” to start on the pathway to my goals, then I would have waited forever.

Here’s a not-so-secret secret for you: the “right time” doesn’t exist.

Sure, conditions may not be ideal, but don’t wait until they are. They never will be.

Have I made mistakes along the way? Many.

I will continue to make mistakes…but I dust off and keep it moving, because it’s the only way to grow.

So…the next time you have an idea that makes you nervous, yet excited, don’t freeze because you’re waiting for the right time.

The right time is now, and your dreams are waiting.

Watch the video version!

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