Go pro with your voice!

The Must Knows of Voice-Overs

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    The Must Knows of Voice-Over

    Here’s a powerful piece of intelligence we’ve dispensed to aspiring voice-over talent all over the country...

Do you want to:

  1. Market yourself in a way that has a proven track record?
  2. Put yourself in a position that allows you to obtain success in the voice-over industry?
  3. Learn the secrets to making the idea presented in this report work TEN times better?
  4. Feel more confident and committed to your goals in the voice-over industry?

If you said "YES!" to any of these questions, then join us for our webinar, "You're On The Air: How to Really Make it in Voice-Overs!"

In one weeks time I made over ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS doing voice over! The total time I spent producing the projects for the clients was only 13 hours! I’ve also signed on with both Productions Plus Talent Agency and The I Group Talent Agency. I appreciate all the help that Such A Voice has provided for me in my voice over career!

- Tom Chalker

Since taking your course, I’ve done national television and radio spots for a major video company and industrials for Fortune 500 companies…Finding someone like you to impart these skills has surely helped my success…

- Peter Jay Gould

As a direct result of your instruction and guidance, I secured work on a 30-second television spot during the election campaign. The commercial aired over 300 times on television. I cannot recommend your course more highly.

- David Lutkehaus

Your method works…all I did was follow your marketing instruction. This new career has exceeded my wildest expectations. I couldn’t have done it without you.

- Bob Gatchel