Brand Heart – Your Story, My Voice

Your Story, My Voice

Purpose – Why do we exist?

We exist to provide compelling Audio narration and performances. For everything from commercials to Audio books, Phone Systems to documentaries, video games to tutorials.

Vision – What future do we want to create? What does the future look like?

Integrating audio performances into every part of life. Supporting Audio as a learning tool and effective communication tool.

Mission – What are we here to do? How do we create that future?

Do our best performance, working with the client to lend my voice to hear their voice…. to hear their voice in/from my performance.

Values – How will we conduct ourselves in support and pursuit of our mission, vision, and purpose?

  1. Give our best performance daily.Our best performance might not be the same every day, but every day we will give our best performance.
  2. Communicate honestly and openly, with clients, and with myself.Problems cannot be solved unless they are addressed. Problems cannot be addressed unless there is clear and honest Communication. Whether its feedback for a take, a script, or an audition, we will take it seriously, for ourselves, and our clients.
  3. Have Fun.The best performances are the ones that are most enjoyed and enjoyable. Have fun. Be bigger than life. Be immersed in the Role and the performance.
  4. Always have the Clients best interest at heart.
    We are a vehicle for our clients message. If we need to go in a different direction to deliver that message, go in that direction.

PFMcCaffrey Voices

Hi, I’m Patrick!


We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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